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Creating A Tracking System For Immersive Analytics In SLoveniaN University

Updated: Feb 19, 2024

“Modern universities should be centres of knowledge and technology. The presence of technology infrastructure like the high-performance outside-in optical tracking system is vital as it enables students and researchers to interact with it triggering curiosity in minds of young people as well as speed up the process of developing and testing new ideas.” Klen Čopič Pucihar, Assistant Professor at University of Primorska, Slovenia and a co-director of HICUP Lab.

The HICUP Lab sits in the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies at the University of Primorska, and allows for continued research in the field of Augmented Reality and Human Computer Interaction - trying to rethink human-computer interaction with the aim of making seamless, natural and integrated interfaces. Klen Čopič Pucihar planned to set up an immersive analytical test system, to enable people to immerse themselves in large datasets in order to, individually or collaboratively, analyse and explore data. He was particularly interested in building novel interaction and visualization techniques that are best suited for such immersive experiences. Target3D installed a Prime 13 OptiTrack tracking system of 14 permanent cameras plus six portable cameras, which along with multiple XTAL super wide FOV headsets and the latest HP zVR backpack PCs would enable the interaction and analytic studies that Klen required.

A system is only as good as its user so as part of the package, Target3D trained six of Klen's university team to use the OptiTrack system and to integrate the tracking into Unity engine, integral to the success of the three year project.

“From the first moment I talked to engineers, it was clear that they know their technology really well,” explains Klen. “They listened to our needs and were willing to the share their expertise at very early stages of out interactions. Once on site, the professionalism became even more obvious. We are all excited about what we can do together.”

How can we help with your test project? Are you a university researcher requiring a tracking system? Get in touch and Target3D will help make it happen.

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